Oral Presentation Guidelines 

Please read the following guidelines carefully when preparing your oral presentation.



All oral presentations must be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation. Presenters are fully responsible for the presentation content (order, graphics, etc.). Presentations must be delivered in English.

To prepare your presentation, please use an up-to-date version of Microsoft PowerPoint (but older versions are also supported). The screens’ aspect ratio will be 16:9. Please avoid using Apple Keynote and Prezi presentations and make sure your presentation is in a compatible format as indicated below.

Supported file types 

PPTX/PDF (500 MB maximum)
Make sure that you include your video or multimedia files (if any). Any external content should be embedded directly in the presentation.
In case you want to use a template (optional), you can download it HERE.


There are 2 ways how to upload your presentation:

A) A) The first and recommended option is to upload your presentation via the online platform in advance.

Upload Deadline: 10 September 2024

Your uploaded presentation will be prepared in your lecture room by our secretariat, so you do not need to upload it on-site.

Please note that we cannot guarantee that the presentations uploaded after 10 September 2024 will be uploaded by the secretariat at the venue, so you are required to upload it on-site with a USB stick.

Reuploading is not possible either, therefore, please make sure to upload your final version.

B) The second option is to hand over your presentation to the personnel in the Lecture room on a USB flash disk as soon as possible, but not later than 10 minutes BEFORE the start of your session. If there is no break right before your session, please make sure to upload your presentation during the last break before your session.
Presentations for an early morning session should be handed over the evening before (if possible).
The personnel will upload your presentation and you will be able to check that the presentation is operating correctly.
Please note that it is not possible to present from your laptop in the lecture room.



All speakers are requested to be present in the lecture room at least 10 minutes before the session starts to meet with the session chairs. 
You will be assisted by a hall assistant who can show you how to operate your presentation, remote control, pointer, etc. Please be ready when it is your turn to present to minimise wasted time. You should be in the lecture room prior to your presentation time in case there are last-minute changes during the session (e.g. cancelled presentation before your talk). 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ESMAC 2024 Meeting Secretariat/Programme Department at abstracts@esmac.org.