Sponsor’s Presentations

Vicon Industry Presentation – Thursday 12:15 – 12:30 (Hall A)

Stop by our symposium to hear more updates from the Vicon Life Sciences team.

Vicon Motion Capture systems are trusted for robust data collection and analysis in assessments, education, and groundbreaking research. The versatility of our technology makes it ideal for both teaching complex biomechanical concepts and conducting advanced movement analysis. We want to ensure that research professionals have the best tools for enhancing care and advancing scientific knowledge.

Vicon User Group SocialThursday 19:00 – 21:00 (ROOR)


Where: ROOR, 4 Rosenkrantz’ gate 0159 Sentrum, Norway

Join the Vicon crew for our User Group Social at ROOR. We will have small bites, drinks, and shuffleboard for the annual Vicon ESMAC social and would love to see you there.

Please be sure to RSVP to reserve your spot as space is limited. We will be checking names at the door and be providing you with drink tokens. Each person in your group must register under their own name. Please let us know if you have any questions!

Moveshelf Industry Presentation – Friday 10:00 – 10:15 (Hall A)

Title: Moveshelf – Movement Analysis. Standardized.

Speaker: Johannes Gijsbers, VP of Product, Moveshelf


Moveshelf is the market leading information system for movement analysis.

In this presentation, we will cover:

  • Why do we do what we do at Moveshelf?
  • Why is standardization of movement analysis important?
  • How does Moveshelf contribute to the standardization of movement analysis?

Finally, we will explain what we do at Moveshelf:

  • We make it possible to centralize measurements from multiple laboratories or wherever your subjects are, by integrating with all leading manufacturers of movement analysis technology.
  • During implementations, we work together with the motion lab to configure our interactive reports, and the configuration of our database, to make sure that they meet the needs of your workflow.
  • We let you access all movement analysis results from anywhere you work by providing software which you don’t need to install, all you and your team need is a web browser.
  • We work with enterprise IT departments to seamlessly integrate with authentication systems and electronic health records.
  • We demonstrate our commitment to information security by obtaining and maintaining the ISO27001 and NEN7510 information security certifications.

Kistler Industry Presentation – Friday 11:30 – 11:40 (Hall A)

Title: Piezoelectric sensor technology meets digital innovation

Benefits of Kistler’s digital force plates for biomechanics

Speaker: Julian Hoch, julian.hoch@kistler.com


Which advantages offers the latest force plate generation from Kistler and how do you benefit from our unique sensor technology combined with digital innovation?

This presentation will introduce you to the next level of precision provided by digital force plates from Kistler. They combine the renowned piezoelectric sensor technology which comes with benefits such as wide measuring range, high natural frequency and longevity in one streamlined, digital measuring chain. The digital measurement technology provides PTP synchronized data from an unlimited number of force plates with highest quality. It is easy to set up and can be used for versatile applications. This makes it a precise and reliable tool for all kinds of motion analyses in the field of biomechanics.

Join our presentation, meet us in person at our booth or visit www.kistler.com/biomechanics to learn more about the advantages of Kistler’s cutting-edge technology.

Moveck Industry Presentation – Friday 11:40 – 11:45 (Hall A)

Title:  Moveck – On the Edge of Data Harmonization for Clinical Gait Analysis

Speaker: Arnaud Barré, CEO of Moveck Solution, developer of the BTK and Mokka tools.

For several years Moveck is dedicated to the development of new tools for motion data analysis. In this endeavor, various solutions have emerged, focusing on 1) executing processing pipelines around CGM / IOR / ISB models, 2) creating cleaning tools to facilitate event detection and cycle selection, and 3) enabling real-time calculations to monitor the quality of acquisitions.
At the core of these solutions, we have gained significant insights into the challenges of data structuring and harmonization. Through our interactions with various industries and research laboratories, one fact became clear: the structure of data is a pivotal element in ensuring reliable and certifiable results.

We invite you to join us as we share our vision on data structuring and how transitioning gradually to harmonized data can simplify your workflow and enhance the reliability of your outcomes.